
Skills Shortage Rains on Cloud Advances

Published 16 - November - 2020
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Cross training within an organization is a good method of closing the skills gap by picking individuals who already work for and understand the organization you have people who are bought into company ethos and values

Paul Holland, Principal Research Analyst at the ISF

A Cloud Guru (ACG) in September released the “State of Cloud Learning” report which shows that cloud expertise, measured via certifications and hands-on proficiency, is growing in value for both companies and the individuals who work for them.

ACG analyzed cloud learning priorities among enterprise teams and individual learners. The report found widespread intent to accelerate cloud adoption and a surge in demand for Azure-related content.

More than 90 percent of IT leaders surveyed expect to expand their cloud services in the next one to three years. Despite this testament to the benefits of cloud adoption, enterprises may find a lack of qualified IT workers to fill those positions.

Benefits Breakout for Business

Almost three-quarters (71 percent) of enterprise leaders are already seeing cloud adoption speed up their time-to-value for new products and features.

Nearly all (97 percent) of cloud leaders believe their organizations would function more effectively with a uniform shared basis of cloud knowledge.

Almost the same number (94 percent) of employees are more likely to stay long-term with an employer who invests in their career through skills development

A number of IT-related areas have organizations that are struggling to find enough qualified or experienced staff, offered Paul Holland, principal research analyst at the Information Security Forum.

“Cross training within an organization is a good method of closing the skills gap by picking individuals who already work for and understand the organization you have people who are bought into company ethos and values,” he told TechNewsWorld.

Skills Shortage Rains on Cloud Advances
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