Paul Watts
Distinguished Analyst
Paul has worked in information technology for over twenty-five years, seventeen of which have been as a security executive and CISO in several industry sectors including financial services, retail, critical national infrastructure, food and beverage, data analytics and market research. This probably explains the receding hairline and fear of Friday afternoon phone calls!

Paul’s role at the ISF is a diverse one. He sees his main objective as representing the voice of the security leader across our content, our capability, and our community. In addition to providing leadership advisory and support to our Members, he leads our Leadership and Strategy Insights research programme.
Paul has published papers including how to realise the business value of security, demystifying the business information security officer role, has explored predictions for the future of security leadership and – most recently – has created a model for the security leader that looks to address the ongoing challenges of ambiguity and poor expectation management in security leader role definitions. He maintains relationships with several external communities as part of our ongoing commitment to strategic alliances across the international security industry and works to feed the output back into our products and services.