Thriving in Uncertainty: Prepare, respond, resume

"To thrive in the unknown, organisations must be prepared for anything..."

Protecting your data, assets and reputation is not purely about dealing with the existing threats that increase in frequency and ferocity each day.

It’s also about pre-empting what may come, preparing for the threats that emerge as a consequence of technological development, the increasing prevalence of cyber crime, and the rise of hacktivism and cyber attacks amid global political crises and disinformation campaigns.

In this unstable environment where extreme cyber attacks are no longer a rare occurrence, making definitive predictions about the future is unwise. To survive, you must instead focus on being better prepared; responding intelligently to an incident when it occurs and resuming normal operations swiftly and effectively in its aftermath.


Many organisations remain ill-prepared to handle extreme cyber incidents caused by nation states or organised criminal groups.

Informed by ISF research into leading organisations’ experience in dealing with an extinction level attack, Extinction Level Attacks: A survival guide outlines actionable strategies and tasks for survival.

Prepare for the critical questions security leaders need to answer in a cyber crisis:
  • What if help is not coming?
  • What if everything has to be restored?
  • What if there is no backup?
  • What if OT facilities are compromised?
  • What if there is no available technology?
Discover the ISF Approach to Surviving an Extinction Level Attack


Research guided by ISF Member organisations and external experts

Predicting threats with 80% accuracy for over 15 years

Developed and tested incident response plans for numerous global organisations

Preparing for wide-ranging and unpredictable cyber threats requires businesses to regularly assess the threat landscape supported by expert guidance, up-to-date solutions and industry leading tools. Below you’ll find some of our Members favourite resources…

How often do you rehearse your response to a cyber crisis?

ISF Cyber Simulation Exercises are powerful engagements that test your organisation’s ability to navigate cyber attacks in an effective manner.

Our experts bring business continuity plans to life. Immerse your team in realistic, tailored scenarios designed to help you demonstrate resilience against high-impact cyber incidents to senior stakeholders.

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ISF is the singular investment an organisation needs to overcome the wide-ranging information security and risk management challenges that impact their business.
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