ISF CEO Steve Durbin returns to the cyber hot-seat with Julie MacDonald to share his insights on good leadership during a state of crisis. Steve discusses the evolving nature of cyber threats, particularly from nation-state actors. He stresses the need for organisations to prioritise the identification and protection of their crown jewels through scenario planning and cyber simulations. Along this vein, he underscores the pivotal role of a both technological and human-centred approach in safeguarding organisational integrity.
…We are seeing an uptick in nation state-backed threat… from an election standpoint to election tampering, that’s a big concern….
Tune in to hear more about:
- Cyber security, AI, and data integrity (0:00)
- Cyber security threats, vulnerabilities, and supply chain risks (3:40)
- Risk management, leadership priorities, and the importance of collaboration (9:28)

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