…Things are brought to us as challenges and it’s our job to resolve them and highlight them as opportunities…
Welcome to Dear Infosec
We have rebranded our podcast to better reflect the heart of our content and the community we’ve built together. Our new name sets us apart from many other Infosec podcasts which all emphasise the technical aspects of the trade – ports, cables, controls and patches
Why the Change?
Over time, the Analyst Insight Podcast has evolved, and so has our content. What began as a review of research has transformed into a space for in-depth discussions addressing pressing Infosec issues. As our scope has grown, so has our community.
Dear Infosec: Can you help?
In this first episode of the re-branded podcast, host Mark Ward, along with Paul Watts; ISF Members Iwona Muchin and Erhan Temurkan, delve into problems submitted by listeners. They debate how technical is too technical and explore effective ways to encourage people to take security seriously.
Useful resources to support your Infosec journey
View all of our podcasts & videosYour Host:
Former journalist and lead author of the flagship ISF Threat Horizon report, Mark Ward has cultivated a strong interest in all aspects of cyber security – its history, practice and evolution.